1. AMIFEM-CAMB offers short term and long term On hands training in the field of Microbial applications leading to
- Entrepreneurship
- Research
- Dissertation/Project
2. AMIFEM-CAMB offers 6 months advance course in microbial technology pertaining to
- Environment Management
- Waste Utilization
- Biofuel Technology
- Probiotics
- Biofertilizers
3. AWARDS to AMIFEM 2014
[1] Lifetime Achievement Award for contribution to the field of Microbiology by Odisha Botanical Society (OBS) – 2014
[2] AMIFEM Congratulates Prof. Aruna Kumari Misra for her achievement, Prof. Aruna Kumari Misra Research Foundation installed by International Biographical Center (IBC), Cambridge.
4. Consultancy & Guidance offer for Enterprenures in field of Biotechnology