(carried out at M Sc & Ph D levels)
1. Biotechnological application of microbes for controlling environmental pollution.
2. Aeromicrobial pollution problems of closed environments.
3. Bioremediation and wasteland development.
4. Development of MMIR (Mixed Microbial Inoculum for Mine Waste Reclamation).
5. Isolation and characterisation of microbes suitable for bio-ethanol products from lignocellulose waste.
6. Development of probiotics.
7. Preparation and standardisation of fermented health drinks from indigenous fruits and medicinal plants.
8. In vitro and in vivo studies on clonal propagation of bio-diesel plants.
1. Consultancy offered for Forest Management
2. Environment Engineering by Experts
3. Taxonomic identification of fungi and bacteria.
4. Microbial Strain development and supply.
5. Biofertilisers.
6. Preparation of MMIR and heavy metal tolerant strains of microbes for reclamation of specific wastelands.
7. Microbially treated seedlings and clonally propagated plant stalks with better vigour for large scale plantations.
8. Support of Microbially treated, improved of medicinal plants (Seedlings / stales)